This is an update of the PEN FASTBUS TDC channel assignment Channel Detector/Signal slot10-8 0-239 Csi0-CsI239 240-279 PV0-PV39 280-287 not used (used to be CV OR) slot 7 288-303 Triggers (LB102 Mix output) 288 Pienu lo PS1 289 Pienu lo PS8 290 Pienu Hi 291 Empty 292 Empty 293 Cosmic (basically PV OR) 294 Empty 295 Empty 296 Empty 297 Random 298 Empty 299 Pienu Lo PS16 304-335 not used (former T0-T8 and S channels) 336-351 empty 352-367 empty 368-383 PIBETA trigger output (see trigger diagram posted by AP) slot 6 384-399 Prescale/Mix output (see trigger diagram posted by AP) 384 Empty 385 Empty 386 Empty 387 Pigate 388 Pigate Hi (same) 389 Pigate PS16 390 Pigate PS8 391 Pigate PS1 (same) 392 CMV (basically PV OR) 393 ebeam (basically beam=B0*DgrLo all particles) 394 Random 395 Empty 396 CMV PS (PV OR prescaled) 397 Sum PV (PV OR) 398 Pigate PS4 399 Empty 400-415 2008-GONE; 2007 Beam (B0,D:L,D:H,T1:4,T5:8,T:L,T:H,AC0:3,AC4:7,PV:OR) 416-431 CsI cluster low (0-15) 432-447 CsI cluster low (16-31) 448-463 CsI cluster low (32-47) 464-479 CsI cluster low (48-60) slot 5 480-486 Long gate beam TDCs 480 B0 481 DL 482 DR 483 DT 484 DB 485 TL 486 TH 487 PV OR 488 B0*(DL*DR)_HI 489 B0*(DL*DR)_Lo (Beam) 490 B0*(DL*DR)_HI*TGT:LO 491 Random