Below is a sample script used to replay simulation midas files. It is identical to the measurement files except for one key difference. It is imperative that the analyzer first be run on a measurement midas file. The reason is that the odb system must be setup before the replay can begin. Meausrement midas files have the odb information in the beginning but so far I have been unable to simply get that information into the start of a simulation file (it sounds easy but I have been unable to accomplished it in over 3 hours of work). So just rmember to analyze a measurement file from the same run number as you want to simulate before you run the simulation midas file through the analyzer. #prime the pump ./analyzer -s 0\ -F\ -n 10\ -r 84700 84700\ -i /net/group1/data2/pibeta/pen08/data/run%05d.mid.gz\ -c /net/group1/data2/pibeta/pen08/codb/pass04odb/result%05d.codb\ /net/group1/data2/pibeta/pen08/codb/csicalodb/CsIcalib%05d.codb\ -o ./yreplays/pumpprime_lang.root # One run in full: ./analyzer -s 0\ -F\ -r 84700 84700\ -i /net/research/pocanic/lpa2a/PEN/g490work/gsim_frontend/prompt_1833_1833_%05d_84700_test.mid.gz\ -c /net/research/pocanic/lpa2a/PEN/penanalyzer/sim_csi_calib/SIM_CSI_Calib_ones.codb\ -o ./yreplays/prompt_84700_test.root